Written by McCayla Connors
If I didn’t know any better
I would think the year was 1974
Between the amount of mass destruction
And the level of political corruption.
But the cries for help from people
That are ignored in every corner,
Reminds me the year is 2024.
The way things are going
I would think it was the year
When my mother was born,
With how far our world is torn.
Women and children without housing,
In the same country allowing
Death, famine and extinction
On the other side of the world,
Where there are women and children
Without food, water and protection.
If only our society took notes
If only we remembered history repeats itself.
With the power of social media
And the willpower of the blank panthers
Our generation could be unstoppable.
The change we’d make is palpable,
Yet there’s still a disconnect.
Maybe in another 50 years
The fight in our country will resurrect.
-McCayla Connors