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RNC in CLE Recap 2: "Make America Work Again"

​ The second day of the Republican National Convention resulted in the official nomination of Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence was also nominated as Trump’s vice president by acclamation, meaning that no formal roll call vote was needed.

Tuesday’s theme was “Make America Work Again,” but speakers mostly focused on praising the character of Trump as fit for a president and how a Hillary Clinton presidency would harm America.

Night two’s schedule of orators featured House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

However, two of the most notable speeches of the night were not delivered by politicians, but rather by Trump’s children, Tiffany and Donald Jr. His daughter was the first of the two, and she chose to focus on the softer, more personal side of her father.

“He’s always helped me to be the best version of myself,” Tiffany said. “By encouragement and by example, he motivates me to work my hardest and stay true to who I am and what I believe.”

When it was time for New York state’s delegates to cast their votes, Trump’s son stepped up to the microphone to announce that his father had earned more than the required number of votes to clinch the nomination.

"It is my honor to be able to throw Donald Trump over the top in the delegate count tonight with 89 delegates," Donald Jr. said. “Congratulations Dad, we love you.”

Instead of delivering a heartwarming speech like his sister, Donald Jr. chose to focus on attacks against Clinton, saying that she would be the first White House occupant "who couldn’t pass a basic background check." He also criticized the Democratic Party for being too obstructionist and regulatory.

“The other party gave us a regulatory state on steroids,” said Donald Jr. “The other party is the party of risk.”

Gov. Chris Christie, previously rumored to be a potential running mate for Trump, spoke shortly after the nominee’s children. He spent almost his entire speech listing off accusations of crimes committed by Clinton during her tenure as secretary of state. Christie later called the speech an "indictment".

Christie asked the crowd to reply “guilty” or “not guilty” after each criticism against Clinton. The crowd's chanting of “lock her up!” echoed throughout the Quicken Loans Arena.

Retired neurosurgeon and former presidential candidate Ben Carson was one of the night’s final speakers. He delivered a statement in which he compared Clinton to Lucifer. He referenced how Clinton wrote her senior thesis about Saul Alinsky, author of “Rules for Radicals,” a book that features Lucifer’s name on its dedication page.

“So are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model someone who acknowledges Lucifer?” Carson asked.

Analysis of the third day of the Republican National Convention is already underway. Be sure to keep up with The Vindicator’s daily political updates.

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