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  • Writer's picture The Vindicator


Written by Timothy Cox

With regards to the #SOTU, the robust and hopeful view outlined on the current state of affairs in this country is well received. and well reported. the honor of the democrat is in clear view. my only hope is that the report given and the many gains referenced are made relevant to the general public and those in need of hearing, continuing on from the delivery. the notions that high school and college graduation rates are at an all-time high and that the minimum wage is on board to be raised in states across the map are achievements of the democratic party and their emphasis on education and middle class economics. i suppose the speech interjects the fading image of the president and presents a forum in which his voice can be heard without the criticism and misdirection of the pundit and ‘sound biting’ of cable news. the underdog, because certainly for a moment there i wondered to where indeed Barack Obama had stepped off. the collusion of the media that the president seems to have superseded with his #SOTU address on this night. i don’t believe its right or effective for the gains of the democratic party to go unreported while the average american turns to local news and can’t find the president’s face there or even the mention of these many policies that currently drive the middle class. middle class economics and the strengthening of the american workforce is relevant information. the GOP takes to its silence and remains in its seat while the #POTUS for the sixth time makes his case for bipartisanship, however applicable, however necessary, however logical. the long arm of the liberal is reaching back into view and it’s a moving sight to see. now comes the task of relating this to the people who need to hear this speech, who will inevitably be affected by this speech in a more meaningful way than what can be found on your television dial but in their weekly wages and healthcare costs, in the statement of their tuition. it is political to use the fanfare of the occasion to highlight a union, a strong state of union and it is indeed politically savvy to avoid the shock value of #ferguson and avoid speaking the names of #mikebrown or #ericgarner from the podium on the capitol. from this, i hope the democratic party can better engage its constituency, moreover its black constituency and some lasting impression can hold the attention of the country while the president presses on with a conservative congress and supreme court for his final two years in office. for more than a joke and off the cuff remark were told in the speech and i believe there’s more to celebrate. i am excited for the return of Barack Obama to relevance and prominence in my newsfeed and in the news cycle and it follows that a successful and triumphant president receive his due respect, while still in office.

Jan. 22, 2015 | Archived


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